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Thursday, 25 March 2010
The city recycles as ink in water
Saturday, 13 March 2010
Recycling the city as ink in water
The recycling system of Istanbul
The section of district
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2nd Blog for References
2nd Blog for References
Archibugi, Franco. 2005. Rome: a new planning strategy. London: Routledge
Bachelard, Gaston. 1994. The Poetics of space. Boston: Beacon Press
Barnow, Finn. 2001. The city of the divine king. Denmark: Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts-School of Architecture Publishers
Barnow, Finn. 2002. The city of the landowner. Denmark: Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts-School of Architecture Publishers
Barnow, Finn. 2003. The city of the merchant. Denmark: Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts-School of Architecture Publishers
Bell, James John. 2009. Technotopia and the Death of Nature.
Bell, James. 2009. Self-Replicating Atomic-Size Machines. (Accessed 28.12.09)
Benevolo, Leonardo. 2002. The Architecture of the Renaissance: Volume II. London and New York: Routledge
Benevolo, Leonardo. 2002. The Architecture of the Renaissance: VolumeI. London and New York: Routledge
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Braun, Georh. Hogenberg, Franz. Oehme, Ruthardt. 1965. Old European Cities. London:Thames and Hudson
Calvino, Italo. 1997. Invisible Cities. London: Vintage (Translated from the Italian by William Weaver)
Chai, Cameron. 2009. Artificial Forests at Nanoscale. (Accessed 26.12.09)
Cottrell, Leonard. 1964. Lost Cities.London: Pan books Ltd.
Davies, Paul. 1995. About time: Einstein's unfinished revolution. London: Penguin.
De Landa, Manuel.1991. War in the Age of Intelligent Machines. New York: Urzone Inc./Edited by Jonathan Crary, Sanford Kwinter and Bruce Mau
Elliot, James.1987. The City in Maps: urban mapping to1900. London: The British Library
Falconer, C 1992, The Sultan's Harem, Crown Puclishers, New York.
Freely, J 2005, John freely's Istanbul, Scala Publishers, London.
G. Langton, Christopher. Taylor, Charles. Farmer, J. Doyne. Rasmussen, Steen. 1992. Artificial Life II. Redwood City:Addison-Wesley
Goodwin, G 2003, A History of Ottoman Architecture, Thames&Hudson, London.
Haraway, Donna. 1989. Gender, Race, and Nature in the world of modern science. London: Routledge
Necipoglu, G 1991, Architecture, Ceremonial, and Power: The Topkapi Palace in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, The MIT press, London.
Spiller, Neil. 2002. Cyber Reader. London: Phaidon
Tyler, Germund. 1984. The Impact of Heavy Metal Pollution on Forests: A Case Study of Gusum. (Accessed 26.12.09). Sweden: Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
Ungers, Oswald Mathias. Vieths, Stefan. 1997. The Dialectic City. Milan: Skira aditore
Vinge, Vernon. 1993. Smith, Gar. 2009. Vernon Vinge's Vision. (Accessed 28.12.09)
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The city recycles as ink in water
Recycling the city as ink in water
The recycling system of Istanbul
The section of district
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Hakan Karaş
UCL, The Bartlett School of Architecture
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